Sunday, May 24, 2020

Data Collection and Management Techniques Free Essay Example, 750 words

The task of a qualitative researcher is to make sure that the participants become used to having the researcher plus the recording devise around. This can be achieved by the researcher making pre-visits to the site before the initial data collection. The task of a qualitative researcher is to make sure that the participants become used to having the researcher plus the recording devise around. This can be achieved by the researcher making pre-visits to the site before the initial data collection. The simplest field notes are taken on a writing pad where the researcher doddle whatever fells to be essential. A stenograph book can be used when a more complicated kind of field notes is to be done, this is usually common among journalists. Field notes make sense to anyone besides the researcher. They are part of his memory system. According to Kreuger (2000), a good way to make them last longer is to interpret the notes into comprehensible phrases within a short time. Data management in qualitative research refers to a way to stock the data, to categorize it, to make sense out of the collection and to communicate the findings to readers or the interested parties. We will write a custom essay sample on Data Collection and Management Techniques or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page

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